News — Ping Pong Paddles

Looking for a Pro-Style Ping Pong Paddle? Try the Garlando Tornado Table Tennis Racket

Looking for a Pro-Style Ping Pong Paddle? Try the Garlando Tornado Table Tennis Racket

Table tennis paddles are essential to the great game of table tennis and utilizing a quality ping pong racket is important if you want to perform your best. At, we understand the importance of using a quality ping pong paddle and therefore thought we'd inform consumers of one particular table tennis racket that we believe is one of the best available. The Garlando Tornado Table Tennis Racket is a pro-style table tennis racket that will enhance your table tennis performance and will give you a significant edge against when competing.
Ping Pong Paddles: Pre-Made Ping Pong Paddles or Custom-made Ping Pong Paddles?

Ping Pong Paddles: Pre-Made Ping Pong Paddles or Custom-made Ping Pong Paddles?

When it comes to the great game of table tennis, the type of ping pong paddle used can be crucial when it comes to performing your best. Here at, we are often asked which is better: a pre-made ping pong paddle or a custom-made ping pong paddle.  We will give our answer in a moment, but before we do so, it’s important to discuss the differences between a pre-made ping pong paddle and a custom-made ping pong paddle.
Ping Pong Paddles: How to Grip a Ping Pong Paddle Correctly

Ping Pong Paddles: How to Grip a Ping Pong Paddle Correctly

For beginners or players just starting their table tennis journey “What’s the correct way to hold a ping pong paddle?" is a common question.

While there are several different grips depending on a player’s ability, there are two main ways to hold a table tennis paddle recommended for the beginner:

Ping Pong Paddles: How To Choose A Paddle That Fits Your Game

Ping Pong Paddles: How To Choose A Paddle That Fits Your Game

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive at is: How do I choose a ping pong paddle that fits your game? While it may seem like all paddles are the same, this couldn’t be further from the truth. When it comes to ping pong paddles, here are some questions you will want to ask yourself: