News — Table Tennis

Ping Pong Table of the Week: The Butterfly Compact 19 Stationary Table Tennis Table

Ping Pong Table of the Week: The Butterfly Compact 19 Stationary Table Tennis Table

The Butterfly Compact 19 Stationary Table Tennis Table is a tremendous ping pong table because it is very durable, requires absolutely no assembly, has a number of desirable features, and can enhance the decor of your home, office, or game room. Here at, beginner and intermediate ping pong tables are in very high demand, and this week, we thought we'd highlight a terrific indoor table tennis table that is truly ideal for beginner and intermediate ping pong players.  If you're looking for an attractive stationary table tennis table that looks great and has a numerous features, the Butterfly Compact 19 Stationary Table Tennis Table may be the ping pong table you're looking for. 

Looking for a Pro-Style Ping Pong Paddle? Try the Garlando Tornado Table Tennis Racket

Looking for a Pro-Style Ping Pong Paddle? Try the Garlando Tornado Table Tennis Racket

Table tennis paddles are essential to the great game of table tennis and utilizing a quality ping pong racket is important if you want to perform your best. At, we understand the importance of using a quality ping pong paddle and therefore thought we'd inform consumers of one particular table tennis racket that we believe is one of the best available. The Garlando Tornado Table Tennis Racket is a pro-style table tennis racket that will enhance your table tennis performance and will give you a significant edge against when competing.
Ping Pong Balls: The Various Ways in Which Ping Pong Balls Are Used

Ping Pong Balls: The Various Ways in Which Ping Pong Balls Are Used

Despite their small size, ping pong balls are an essential component to the game of table tennis and are predominately associated with the game that we at love to play. Ping pong balls are generally made of plastic and are graded as either 1-star, 2-star, or 3-star balls, with 1-star being the lowest quality ping pong balls and 3-star being the highest quality ping pong balls. Although table tennis balls are mostly used to play ping pong, table tennis balls can be used in a number of different ways thus making ping pong balls one of the most versatile game room accessories.

Ping Pong Table of the Week: The RS Barcelona RS# Stationary Ping Pong Table

Ping Pong Table of the Week: The RS Barcelona RS# Stationary Ping Pong Table

The RS Barcelona RS# Stationary Ping Pong Table is a wonderful item to own because it not only serves as a luxury table tennis table, but can also serve as a  luxurious dining table, a high-end conference table, or as a beautiful conversation piece. Here at, our team members come across many different types of table tennis tables on a regular basis, but the RS Barcelona RS# Stationary Ping Pong Table is ones that truly stands out. As one of the most versatile and luxurious ping pong tables available, we believe the RS Barcelona RS# Stationary Ping Pong Table deserves the spotlight.