News — Table Tennis Tables

Ping Pong: Why You Should Buy a Stationary Ping Pong Table

Ping Pong: Why You Should Buy a Stationary Ping Pong Table

A stationary ping pong table can be an terrific purchase because of the increased sturdiness and more attractive undercarriage when compared to a rollaway ping pong table. At, we often receive customer inquires asking about the fundamental differences between stationary table tennis tables and rollaway table tennis tables, and whether or not a stationary ping pong table is appropriate for their situation. While a stationary table tennis table isn't ideal for all situations, a stationary ping pong table can be very ideal for certain situations; especially if the ping pong table will likely be purchased for a permanent location in a home, office, or rec room. 

Why You Should Purchase a Multi-Purpose Game Table

Why You Should Purchase a Multi-Purpose Game Table

Purchasing a multi-purpose game table can be a great idea because of the versatility that such a table brings when it comes to having competitive fun with family, friends, or coworkers. Here at, we are often approached by customers who definitely enjoy the game of table tennis, but also enjoy table games such as pool, air hockey, and foosball. Since these customers enjoy multiple table games, the team often advises people with this dilemma to do the following: Buy a multi-purpose game table. 
Ping Pong: How to Maintain Your Ping Pong Table

Ping Pong: How to Maintain Your Ping Pong Table

Maintaining your table tennis table is very important and can be done by simply implementing a few tasks on a regular basis. By implementing these tasks, you will be able to make sure that your ping pong table remains in excellent condition for many years to come.  The team here at is often asked by customers about the best way to keep their ping pong table in great condition so we are here to provide some answers. The solution to keeping your table tennis table in excellent condition is fairly simple, but like in many other areas in life, consistency is key.

Ping Pong: Why a Ping Pong Table is Ideal for a Game Room or Finished Basement

Ping Pong: Why a Ping Pong Table is Ideal for a Game Room or Finished Basement

A ping pong table is ideal for a game room or finished basement because of the numerous benefits it brings to the individuals who either own or use the ping pong table.  While there are other types of game tables that are nice to have as well, the benefits of a ping pong table seem to greatly exceed other game tables.