News — Table Tennis

Ping Pong: Why a Ping Pong Table is Ideal for a Game Room or Finished Basement

Ping Pong: Why a Ping Pong Table is Ideal for a Game Room or Finished Basement

A ping pong table is ideal for a game room or finished basement because of the numerous benefits it brings to the individuals who either own or use the ping pong table.  While there are other types of game tables that are nice to have as well, the benefits of a ping pong table seem to greatly exceed other game tables.

Startup Companies and the Emergence of Ping Pong

Startup Companies and the Emergence of Ping Pong

The game of Ping Pong has a way of bringing people together.  It provides a competitive outlet, and is often an excellent gathering place amongst friends, families, and co-workers. The table tennis table is especially linked with Silicon Valley and the startup community. Ping pong offers those working at startup companies a break from the daily routine and stressful environment, and helps to foster a sense of community.  For many startups, a ping pong table is a must have, and viewed as a sign of a company that bucks traditional thinking and allows for a creative and collaborative environment where free thought is highly valued.      

Ping Pong: Why You Should Buy a Ping Pong Table with a Playback Feature

Ping Pong: Why You Should Buy a Ping Pong Table with a Playback Feature

Purchasing a ping pong table with a playback feature allows users to practice and greatly improve their table tennis skills even when there is no one to play against. Continuously working on one’s footwork and table tennis paddle stroke is the key to becoming a terrific ping pong player. Often, our team here at is asked by those looking for a table tennis table if a particular table feature is essential if one is serious about improving, or simply maintaining, their skills as a ping pong player.

Ping Pong: Why Luxury Ping Pong Tables are in Such High Demand

Ping Pong: Why Luxury Ping Pong Tables are in Such High Demand

For some time now, luxury ping pong tables have been in high demand due to their elite craftsmanship, elegance and beauty, and their ability to greatly enhance the décor of a home or office.  These dual function ping pong tables are more than just a table tennis table; they are often a work of art.